This isn't going to be my usual "inspiration for writing" blog post. With both my kids out of school for the summer, my available writing time has decreased. So for the next couple of months we're going to goof around and do fun stuff that we don't usually get to do during the rest of the year.
Yesterday we started by going to the Ontario Science Centre. (Yes, at some point I will explain the title of this blog post!)
"Game On 2.0" is the exhibit of choice this summer. Our Science Centre has a huge room which has been turned into a maze filled with arcade, video and computer games. There are over 150 of them! And they are all playable.
My nine year old loved the Mario Bros and a monkey game. My twelve year old and I spent ages playing various Zelda games. I relived my university years by playing Space Invader. Oh, how I loved that game! I saw Donkey Kong, Pong, Pac-Man, Tomb Raider, Doom to name a few. For a complete list of games, follow this link:
Somehow, we managed to spend more than three hours in this massive room and it felt like only a couple of minutes elapsed. (Be patient, reader, I am getting to the vomit!)
Exhausted and foot-sore we limped our way to the gift shop. You know, to buy something to remember our visit. Like a video game. Or a t-shirt. Or maybe a science book. (I'm getting to the title!) *sigh* A piggy bank that "shrinks" money came home with us. Totally exemplifies our day, right?

The Jelly Belly Candy Company have been making these for a while. I've even tried them before but it was only the standard sort of flavours: mint, licorice, apple, lemon.
They've added a couple of new flavours: blackpepper, dirt, earthworms earwax and vomit. Yes. You read that correctly: Vomit.
Being totally a kid at heart, I immediately got into the taste-testing hosted by my 9 year old. I tried the vomit one. At first, I was thinking, no, it can't be, it only tastes this way because I'd read the box. I was wrong.
I don't think I've ever laughed so hard while spitting and gagging at the same time.
I was a little bit more cautious with the next ones. But yes, I tried them all. (Boogers is pretty gross, in case you wanted to know.) We tried Banana, Blackpepper, Booger, Candyfloss, Cinnamon, Dirt, Earthworm, Earwax, Greenapple, Sausage, Soap, Tutti-fruitti and Vomit, of course.
The back of the box lists all the available flavours but unfortunately we didn't get all of them. We missed out on Blueberry, Cherry, Grass, Marshmallow, RottenEgg, Lemon and Watermelon. I'm hoping we get those in our next box.
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