While I haven't blogged much, it's been a busy year!
I've had 2 short stories come out this year. The Saturday Evening Post published a second story of mine, "The Art of Forgetting" and Acorn Press published Snow Softly Falling, an anthology in which my story "Oh Christmas Tree" appears. This one is rather special to me, it was my first book launch and it took place in PEI so my Mom and some of my aunts and cousins were able to attend. Very exciting!
As for my goals of last year, I've reached a few-- mostly by getting out in the community more, attending book launches and readings and introducing myself to people.
I applied for a couple of different grants this year and I am thrilled that I made it to the final rounds in one and received a Writer's Reserve Grant from the Ontario Arts Council for the SF novel I started writing this year. (I used NaNoWriMo as a push to get most of the novel written in November and am almost at the end of the first draft now, 78k words and counting!)
Another story of mine made it to the finalist round of the Friends of the Merril contest! It's also garnered 3 personal rejections so I have high hopes it will be accepted soon.
Stats for this year:
72 submissions (I definitely hit my year's goal of 52!)
1 acceptance
3 held for further considerations (possibly a few more--it's hard to tell sometimes)
18 personal rejections
No new short stories this year--rewritten a few older ones and outlined 2 novels, one thriller and one SF historical.
I'm still not reading as much as I'd like and I'm still spending far to much time on facebook. I'll keep trying to increase the first and decrease the second. There are a lot of good books out there!