I didn't send out as many submissions as in some years but I did hit my goal of a submission a week, ending up with 55 for the year (not including grant applications). I didn't have as many short stories accepted in 2017 as I'd have liked. Only one, to my favourite UK publisher Flame Tree Press for their Supernatural Horror anthology.

A number of my stories did shortlist for a variety of venues. One of them was the Friends of the Merril short story contest for the second year running.
Most of the early part of the year was spent on my PEI historical clockwork story and now that I've received some feedback from an early reader I'm looking forward to incorporating her comments. Thanks L! The novel was long listed for a grant again this year and one of the publishers where I sent grant applications have asked for the full MS when it's done, bringing me up to three requests. I also volunteered as grant juror which was a real learning experience. I plan to do that again this year.
I've used all that historical research as the basis for a new novella about the adventures of a menopausal Anne Bonny who returns to her piracy. SUCH fun to research and loads of fun to write, cranky old women rock!
This is my 2nd year of John W. Campbell eligibility. I don't really expect much but it is nice to be included on this list.
55 submissions
5 long-listed stories
12 personal rejections (26%!)
Thanks for your comments, Editors-- they are super helpful in making the story better.