Monday, 7 April 2014

Ad Astra 2014

I survived my first writer's convention!

Ad Astra's been running for a few years but I've never been able to convince myself to go (not to this one nor any of the others I keep reading about)... because you know, they're for 'real' writers.

But with 3 short stories published, I can't deny it: I am a real writer. And after hanging out with other scribes for most of the weekend, I also know I'm just as conflicted, guilt-ridden and doubtful of my ability as any other writer out there.
Linda Poitevin,author of Sins of the Angels
 So... I went.
I had a blast! Met a great group of writers and fans of all ages and stages, pubbed and unpubbed, old pro and newbie, novelists and poets, cosplayers and panelists. As a new friend and member of my critique group said recently, "I have found my people."
And they're wonderful.
One of the Dalek conventioners
I attended a few panels, listened to some amazing readings, chatted at parties, and wandered through the dealer room buying books. I exchanged pleasantries with a few of my favourite authors and met a few more who instantly catapulted to the top of my TBR list. I was awed by the depth and breadth of talent in one convention center. And by how friendly and welcoming everyone was.

The only fly in my particular jam jar was heading home a day early because my whiplashed neck and arthritic back couldn't quite keep up with my desire to stay.  Next year.  Oh yeah, I am definitely doing this again.

Some of my loot...

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